鎌倉ビール 星(ペールエール)

谷戸にひっそりと咲くしゃがの花に、心を奪われました。深い緑の群れに、淡い紫色の花が咲き乱れ、それはまるで夜空に輝く星のまたたきのよう。 花ことばは「私を認めて」。

商品名(種別) | 星(ビール) |
スタイル | ペールエール |
内容量・容器 | 330ml・瓶 |
アルコール分 | 5.5度 |
原材料 | 麦芽、ホップ |
賞味期限・保存方法 | 90日・要冷蔵 |
JANコード | 4525434304907 |
商品説明 | 色は淡い黄金色。 柑橘系のホップの香りと、ほのかな苦味を残したマイルドな喉ごしが印象的です。 |

This beer got its name from the beautiful star-shaped flowers that grow in spring around Kamakura in small shady valleys. These white flowers in the deep green backdrop of the forest look like brilliant stars in the night sky.
Golden yellow with a frothy white head, this ber has soft citrusy and tropical hop aromas, balanced nicely with bready malt and a bitter finish. This pale ale is thirst quenching and remarkably refreshing.
Suggested food pairings: Light Japanese dishes including sushi and sashimi, seafood dishes lightly dressed with olive oil.
Golden yellow with a frothy white head, this ber has soft citrusy and tropical hop aromas, balanced nicely with bready malt and a bitter finish. This pale ale is thirst quenching and remarkably refreshing.
Suggested food pairings: Light Japanese dishes including sushi and sashimi, seafood dishes lightly dressed with olive oil.